не выводится 3d объект в opengl

17 сентября 2021, 06:00

Очень много времени трачу на этот код, пытаюсь найти ошибку, но не получается. Здесь есть функция, которая считывает модель из файла. Она вроде всё правильно считывает. Также у модели есть два вида отображения, с текстурой и без. Посмотрите пожалуйста, правильно ли я вывожу объект на сцену, правильно ли заданы параметры перспективы и т.д.

#include "model.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vars.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "gl.h"
extern struct conf cf;
Model::Model ( ) {
    this->frames = nullptr;
    this->texture = nullptr;
    float aspect = ( float ) cf.screen_width / ( float ) cf.screen_height;
    this->proj = glm::perspective ( glm::radians ( 45.f ), aspect, 0.1f, 100.f );
    this->view = glm::translate ( glm::mat4 ( 1.0f ), glm::vec3 ( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f ) );
    this->model = glm::mat4 ( 1.0f );
    this->rotate = glm::mat4 ( 1.0f );
    this->current_frame = 0;
    this->program_wit = cf.programs [ SHADER_MODEL_WITH_TEXTURE ];
    this->program_wiot = cf.programs [ SHADER_MODEL_WITHOUT_TEXTURE ];
    this->wit.sampler_location = gl::GetUniformLocation ( this->program_wit, "s_texture" );
    this->wit.transform_location = gl::GetUniformLocation ( this->program_wit, "transform" );
    this->wit.perspective_location = gl::GetUniformLocation ( this->program_wit, "perspective" );
    this->wit.rotate_location = gl::GetUniformLocation ( this->program_wit, "rotate" );
    this->wiot.transform_location = gl::GetUniformLocation ( this->program_wiot, "transform" );
    this->wiot.perspective_location = gl::GetUniformLocation ( this->program_wiot, "perspective" );
    this->wiot.rotate_location = gl::GetUniformLocation ( this->program_wiot, "rotate" );
void Model::transform ( const glm::vec3 &translate ) {
    this->view = glm::translate ( this->model, translate );
void Model::set_color ( glm::vec4 color ) {
    this->color = color;
void draw_with_texture ( Model *m ) {
    gl::UseProgram ( m->program_wit );
    gl::ActiveTexture ( gl::TEXTURE0 );
    gl::BindTexture ( gl::TEXTURE_2D, m->textureid );
    gl::Uniform1i ( m->wit.sampler_location, 0 );
    gl::UniformMatrix4fv ( m->wit.transform_location, 1, gl::FALSE_, &m->view[0][0] );
    gl::UniformMatrix4fv ( m->wit.perspective_location, 1, gl::FALSE_, &m->proj[0][0] );
    gl::UniformMatrix4fv ( m->wit.rotate_location, 1, gl::FALSE_, &m->rotate[0][0] );
    gl::EnableVertexAttribArray ( 0 );
    gl::EnableVertexAttribArray ( 1 );
    gl::EnableVertexAttribArray ( 2 );
    gl::VertexAttribPointer ( 0, 3, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, m->frames[m->current_frame].v );
    gl::VertexAttribPointer ( 1, 3, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, m->frames[m->current_frame].vn );
    gl::VertexAttribPointer ( 2, 2, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, m->frames[m->current_frame].vt );
    gl::DrawArrays ( gl::TRIANGLES, 0, m->frames[m->current_frame].length_v );
    gl::DisableVertexAttribArray ( 0 );
    gl::DisableVertexAttribArray ( 1 );
    gl::DisableVertexAttribArray ( 2 );
void draw_without_texture ( Model *m ) {
    gl::UseProgram ( m->program_wiot );
    gl::UniformMatrix4fv ( m->wiot.transform_location, 1, gl::FALSE_, &m->view[0][0] );
    gl::UniformMatrix4fv ( m->wiot.perspective_location, 1, gl::FALSE_, &m->proj[0][0] );
    gl::UniformMatrix4fv ( m->wiot.rotate_location, 1, gl::FALSE_, &m->rotate[0][0] );
    gl::EnableVertexAttribArray ( 0 );
    gl::EnableVertexAttribArray ( 1 );
    gl::EnableVertexAttribArray ( 2 );
    gl::VertexAttribPointer ( 0, 3, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, m->frames[m->current_frame].v );
    gl::VertexAttribPointer ( 1, 3, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, m->frames[m->current_frame].vn );
    gl::VertexAttribPointer ( 2, 4, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, &m->color[0] );
    gl::DrawArrays ( gl::TRIANGLES, 0, m->frames[m->current_frame].length_v );
    gl::DisableVertexAttribArray ( 0 );
    gl::DisableVertexAttribArray ( 1 );
    gl::DisableVertexAttribArray ( 2 );
void Model::switch_to ( ) {
    if ( this->texture ) this->map = draw_with_texture;
    else this->map = draw_without_texture;
void Model::draw ( ) {
    this->map ( this );
void Model::read_file ( const char *file ) {
    int count;
    char path[255] = { 0 };
    snprintf ( path, 254, "%s/models/%s", DEFAULT_ASSETS, file );
    FILE *fp = fopen ( path, "r" );
    fread ( &count, sizeof ( int ), 1, fp );
    this->frames = new struct frame [ count ];
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        fread ( &this->frames[i].length_v,  sizeof ( unsigned int ), 1, fp );
        fread ( &this->frames[i].length_vt, sizeof ( unsigned int ), 1, fp );
        fread ( &this->frames[i].length_vn, sizeof ( unsigned int ), 1, fp );
        this->frames[i].v  = new float [ this->frames[i].length_v ];
        this->frames[i].vt = new float [ this->frames[i].length_vt ];
        this->frames[i].vn = new float [ this->frames[i].length_vn ];
        fread ( &this->frames[i].v[0],  sizeof ( float ), this->frames[i].length_v, fp );
        fread ( &this->frames[i].vn[0], sizeof ( float ), this->frames[i].length_vn, fp );
        fread ( &this->frames[i].vt[0], sizeof ( float ), this->frames[i].length_vt, fp );
    fclose ( fp );


#include "../glm/glm.hpp"
#include "../glm/ext.hpp"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "object.h"
struct frame {
    unsigned int length_v;
    unsigned int length_vt;
    unsigned int length_vn;
    float *v;
    float *vn;
    float *vt;
struct with_t {
    int sampler_location;
    int transform_location;
    int perspective_location;
    int rotate_location;
struct without_t {
    int transform_location;
    int perspective_location;
    int rotate_location;
class Model : public Object {
        glm::mat4 proj;
        glm::mat4 view;
        glm::mat4 model;
        glm::mat4 rotate;
        glm::mat4 result;
        glm::vec4 color;

        struct frame *frames;
        unsigned int current_frame;
        unsigned int program_wit;
        unsigned int program_wiot;
        struct with_t wit;
        struct without_t wiot;
        unsigned int textureid;
        friend void draw_with_texture ( Model * );
        friend void draw_without_texture ( Model * );
        void (*map) ( Model * );
        Model ( );
        void read_file ( const char *file ) override;
        void draw ( ) override;
        void set_color ( glm::vec4 color );
        void switch_to ( void );
        void transform ( const glm::vec3 &translate );
        Sprite *texture;

А вот вершинный шейдер.

#version 400
layout ( location = 0 ) in vec3 position;
layout ( location = 1 ) in vec3 normaly;
layout ( location = 2 ) in vec4 color;
uniform mat4 transform;
uniform mat4 perspective;
uniform mat4 rotate;
out vec4 v_color;
void main ( )
  gl_Position = perspective * transform * vec4 ( position, 1.0 );
  v_color = color;

Вот фрагментный

#version 400
precision mediump float;
in vec4 v_color;
layout ( location = 0 ) out vec4 out_color;
void main ( )
  out_color = v_color;
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