Ребзя подскажите кто разбирается в чем я ошибаюсь: по идеи должно быть что клацаешь на кнопку декодирования получается плохо, клацаешь еще раз получается лучше и так далее до совершенства (препод так сказал) так же дал код на с++ который работает якобы, и я собственно его слово в слово перевел но не зги не работает. Оба проекта подрублю сюды
з.ы. самособой понимаю то код дофига котыленный но все же жду любой помощи.
namespace FractalFuzzyImageProcessing
public partial class fractFuzzyImgProc : Form
Thread t1, t4;
Bitmap vis_img;
private byte[,] rangPixels;
private byte[,] domainPixels;
Bitmap decodeImg;
private List<_Domain_Struct> domains = new List<_Domain_Struct>();
private List<_code_record> list_rangs;
ImageProcessing proc = new ImageProcessing();
public parametrsForm._coding_params @params = new parametrsForm._coding_params();
AdditionalMethods add = new AdditionalMethods();
string img_encode_filename;
public fractFuzzyImgProc()
private void CalcDomainBlocks()
int cur_domain_index = 0;
for (int cur_level = 1; cur_level <= @params.domain_levels; cur_level++)
double buf1 = (@params.domain_cols * Math.Pow(2, (cur_level - 1)));
double buf2 = (@params.domain_rows * Math.Pow(2, (cur_level - 1)));
int domain_w = (int)((domainPixels.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) / buf1);
int domain_h = (int)((domainPixels.GetUpperBound(1) + 1) / buf2);
int domains_per_hor_line = (int)(@params.domain_cols * Math.Pow(2, (cur_level - 1)));
if (@params.overlap_horz == 50)
domains_per_hor_line += @params.domain_cols * cur_level - 1;
int domains_per_ver_line = (int)(@params.domain_rows * Math.Pow(2, (cur_level - 1)));
if (@params.overlap_horz == 50)
domains_per_ver_line += @params.domain_rows * cur_level - 1;
for (int cur_row = 0; cur_row < domains_per_hor_line; cur_row++)
for (int cur_col = 0; cur_col < domains_per_ver_line; cur_col++)
float k = 1F;
if (@params.overlap_horz == 50)
k = 0.5F;
_Domain_Struct cur_domain = new _Domain_Struct();
cur_domain.index = cur_domain_index;
cur_domain.level = cur_level;
int left = 0;
if (cur_row > 0)
left = (int)(cur_row * domain_w * k);
int rigth = 0;
if (cur_col > 0)
rigth = (int)(cur_col * domain_h * k);
cur_domain.rect = new TRect(left, rigth, left + domain_w, rigth + domain_h);
cur_domain.pixels = new byte[domain_w, domain_h];
for (int i = cur_domain.rect.left; i < cur_domain.rect.right; i++)
for (int j = cur_domain.rect.top; j < cur_domain.rect.bottom; j++)
cur_domain.pixels[i - cur_domain.rect.left, j - cur_domain.rect.top] = domainPixels[i, j];
cur_domain.wigth = domain_w;
cur_domain.height = domain_h;
cur_domain.s = 0F;
cur_domain.o = 0F;
private void cutTargetDomain(ref _Domain_Struct domain, ref _Domain_Struct new_domain)
{ //11
int aver_cols = (int)(domain.height * (1.0f / new_domain.wigth) + 0.5f);
int aver_rows = (int)(domain.height * (1.0f / new_domain.wigth) + 0.5f);
int sum;
int n_aver = aver_cols * aver_rows;
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < new_domain.height; i++)
col = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < new_domain.wigth; j++)
sum = 0;
for (int k = row; k < row + aver_rows-1; k++)
for (int m = col; m < col + aver_cols-1; m++)
sum += domain.pixels[k, m];
if (n_aver == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Деление на 0 !!!");
new_domain.pixels[i, j] = Convert.ToByte(sum / n_aver);
col += aver_cols;
if (col + aver_cols - 1 > domain.wigth)
col = domain.wigth - aver_cols + 1;
} // end j
row += aver_rows;
if (row + aver_rows - 1 > domain.height)
row = domain.height - aver_rows + 1;
} // end i
private void decodeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
proB.Value = 0;
@params = parametrs.Value;
string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "//temp.bmp";
if (decClick == false)
using (decodeImg)
decClick = true;
codingBtn.Enabled = false;
changeParamsBtn.Enabled = false;
decodeBtn.Enabled = false;
openRangBtn.Enabled = false;
saveRangBtn.Enabled = false;
inputImgBox1.Enabled = false;
Bitmap temp = decodeImg;
t1 = new Thread(() => StartDecoding(path, 1));
//t1 = new Thread(() => StartDecoding2(img_encode_filename,img_encode_filename, temp, 1));
public void StartDecoding2(string str_img_decode, string str_img_domain, Bitmap vis_img, int iter_count)
string work_str_img_decode = str_img_decode;
string work_str_img_domain = str_img_domain;
for (int cur_iter = 0; cur_iter < iter_count; cur_iter++)
Bitmap image_encode;
//this.@params = @params;
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(work_str_img_decode))
vis_img = new Bitmap(fs);
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(work_str_img_decode))
image_encode = new Bitmap(fs);
rangPixels = new byte[image_encode.Width, image_encode.Height];
rangPixels = proc.BitmapToByteRgb(image_encode);
Bitmap image_domain;
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(work_str_img_domain))
image_domain = new Bitmap(fs);
domainPixels = new byte[image_domain.Width, image_domain.Height];
domainPixels = proc.BitmapToByteRgb(image_domain);
for (int cur_rang_index = 0; cur_rang_index < GetRangsCount(); cur_rang_index++)
_code_record curRang = GetRange(cur_rang_index);
TRect rect = add.GetRangeBlockRect(curRang.range_index, @params.quadtree_depth, ref rangPixels);
int domain_index = Convert.ToInt32(curRang.domain_index);
_Domain_Struct cur_domain = new _Domain_Struct();
cur_domain.rect = domains[domain_index].rect;
cur_domain.wigth = domains[domain_index].wigth;
cur_domain.height = domains[domain_index].height;
cur_domain.index = domains[domain_index].index;
cur_domain.s = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.s);
cur_domain.o = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.o);
ArrayResize(ref cur_domain.pixels, cur_domain.wigth, cur_domain.height);
for (int i = 0; i < cur_domain.wigth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cur_domain.height; j++)
cur_domain.pixels[i, j] = domains[domain_index].pixels[i, j];
_Domain_Struct rotate_domain = new _Domain_Struct();
rotate_domain.rect = domains[domain_index].rect;
rotate_domain.wigth = domains[domain_index].wigth;
rotate_domain.height = domains[domain_index].height;
rotate_domain.index = domains[domain_index].index;
rotate_domain.s = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.s);
rotate_domain.o = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.o);
ArrayResize(ref rotate_domain.pixels, cur_domain.wigth, cur_domain.height);
int trans_index = Convert.ToInt32(curRang.trans_index);
if (trans_index != 0)
add.RotateDomainRect(ref cur_domain, ref rotate_domain, trans_index);
add.RotateDomainRect(ref cur_domain, ref rotate_domain, 0);
_Domain_Struct new_domain = new _Domain_Struct();
new_domain.rect = rect;
new_domain.wigth = rect.Width();
new_domain.height = rect.Height();
new_domain.index = cur_domain.index;
new_domain.s = cur_domain.s;
new_domain.o = cur_domain.o;
ArrayResize(ref new_domain.pixels, rect.Width(), rect.Height());
cutTargetDomain(ref rotate_domain, ref new_domain);
add.ApplySO(ref new_domain);
PutDomainIntoRang(new_domain, rect);
work_str_img_decode = GetTempFilename();
work_str_img_domain = GetTempFilename();
if (vis_img != null)
CopyEncodeMatrixToImage(ref vis_img);
inputImgBox1.Image = vis_img;
catch (NullReferenceException)
public _code_record GetRange(int index)
return list_rangs[index];
string work_str_img_decode;
public void StartDecoding(string str_img_decode, int iter_count)
if (work_str_img_decode== null)
work_str_img_decode = str_img_decode;
vis_img = new Bitmap(512, 512);
Bitmap vis = inputImgBox1.Image as Bitmap; ; //new Bitmap(512,512);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(vis_img))
g.DrawImage(vis, 0, 0);
for (int cur_iter = 0; cur_iter < iter_count; cur_iter++)
Bitmap image_encode;
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\temp1.bmp"))// work_str_img_decode))
image_encode = new Bitmap(fs);
Bitmap image_domain;
work_str_img_decode = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\temp1.bmp";
//image_domain = decodeImg.Clone(new Rectangle(0,0,decodeImg.Width,decodeImg.Height), decodeImg.PixelFormat);
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(work_str_img_decode))
image_domain = new Bitmap(fs);
rangPixels = new byte[image_encode.Height, image_encode.Width];
rangPixels = proc.BitmapToByteRgb(image_encode);
domainPixels = new byte[image_domain.Height, image_domain.Width];
domainPixels = proc.BitmapToByteRgb(image_domain);
int coun = GetRangsCount();
proB.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate
proB.Maximum = coun;
for (int cur_rang_index = 0; cur_rang_index < coun; cur_rang_index++)
proB.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate
_code_record curRang = GetRange(cur_rang_index);
TRect rect = add.GetRangeBlockRect(curRang.range_index, @params.quadtree_depth, ref domainPixels);
int domain_index = Convert.ToInt32(curRang.domain_index);
_Domain_Struct cur_domain = new _Domain_Struct();
cur_domain.rect = domains[domain_index].rect;
cur_domain.wigth = domains[domain_index].wigth;
cur_domain.height = domains[domain_index].height;
cur_domain.index = domains[domain_index].index;
cur_domain.s = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.s);
cur_domain.o = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.o);
cur_domain.pixels = new byte[cur_domain.wigth, cur_domain.height];
for (int i = 0; i < cur_domain.wigth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cur_domain.height; j++)
cur_domain.pixels[i, j] = domains[domain_index].pixels[i, j];
_Domain_Struct rotate_domain = new _Domain_Struct();
rotate_domain.rect = domains[domain_index].rect;
rotate_domain.wigth = domains[domain_index].wigth;
rotate_domain.height = domains[domain_index].height;
rotate_domain.index = domains[domain_index].index;
rotate_domain.s = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.s);
rotate_domain.o = Convert.ToSingle(curRang.o);
rotate_domain.pixels = new byte[cur_domain.wigth, cur_domain.height];
int trans_index = Convert.ToInt32(curRang.trans_index);
if (trans_index != 0)
add.RotateDomainRect(ref cur_domain, ref rotate_domain, trans_index);
add.RotateDomainRect(ref cur_domain, ref rotate_domain, 0);
_Domain_Struct new_domain = new _Domain_Struct();
new_domain.rect = rect;
new_domain.wigth = rect.Width();
new_domain.height = rect.Height();
new_domain.index = cur_domain.index;
new_domain.s = cur_domain.s;
new_domain.o = cur_domain.o;
new_domain.pixels = new byte[rect.Width(), rect.Height()];
cutTargetDomain(ref rotate_domain, ref new_domain);
add.ApplySO(ref new_domain);
PutDomainIntoRang(new_domain, rect);
work_str_img_decode = GetTempFilename();
if (vis_img != null)
CopyEncodeMatrixToImage(ref vis_img);
inputImgBox1.Image = vis_img;
private void PutDomainIntoRang(_Domain_Struct domain, TRect range)
for (int i = 0; i < domain.wigth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < domain.height; j++)
rangPixels[range.left + i,range.top + j] = domain.pixels[i,j];
private void CopyEncodeMatrixToImage(ref Bitmap image)
Bitmap vis = new Bitmap(image.Width,image.Height);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(vis))
g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < image.Height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < image.Width; j++)
vis.SetPixel(i,j, Color.FromArgb(rangPixels[i,j], rangPixels[i,j], rangPixels[i,j]));
image = vis;
private void SaveEncodeImageMatrix(string filename)
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(rangPixels.GetUpperBound(0) + 1,rangPixels.GetUpperBound(1) + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < image.Height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < image.Width; j++)
image.SetPixel(i, j, Color.FromArgb(rangPixels[i, j], rangPixels[i, j], rangPixels[i, j]));
using (image)
//inputImgBox1.Image = image;
private string GetTempFilename()
return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\temp1.bmp";
public int GetRangsCount()
return list_rangs.Count;
public string StrChangeCharacter(string str, int index, Char newSymb)
return str.Remove(index-1, 1).Insert(index-1, newSymb.ToString());
public void SaveRangeFile(string filename)
var rangfile = new List<string>();
if (list_rangs != null)
proB.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate
proB.Maximum = list_rangs.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < list_rangs.Count; i++)
_code_record cur_rang = GetRange(i);
rangfile.Add(cur_rang.range_index + ";" + cur_rang.domain_index + ";" + cur_rang.trans_index + ";"
+ cur_rang.s + ";" + cur_rang.o + ";" + (cur_rang.error).ToString());
proB.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(delegate
MessageBox.Show("Отсутствует таблица рангов!");
SaveToFile(rangfile, filename);
private void SaveToFile(List<string> list, string fil)
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(fil);
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
MessageBox.Show("Ранговый файл сохранен!");
if (t1 != null)
public struct _Domain_Struct
public TRect rect;
public int level;
public int wigth;
public int height;
public int index;
public float s;
public float o;
public byte[,] pixels;
public struct _code_record
public string range_index;
public string domain_index;
public string trans_index;
public string s;
public string o;
public float error;
public List<_rang_record> allerrors;
public struct _rang_record
public string domain_index;
public string trans_index;
public string s;
public string o;
public float error;
//min max sr
// (нормированную) поделить на сумму
//list (newcoderecord)
public struct _blocks_sings
public float stand_dev;
public float skewness;
public float contrast;
public float beta;
public float hor_grad;
public float vert_grad;
public float max_grad;
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