Дан квадрат его пересекают произвольным количеством прямых параллельных основанию, так, что делят на прямоугольники. Найти точки пересечения боковых сторон квадрата с прямыми.
/// <summary>
/// This class is designed to find the intersection points of lines.
/// </summary>
public class LineInRectangle
/// <summary>
/// Defold constructor.
/// </summary>
public LineInRectangle() { }
/// <summary>
/// The constructor takes two values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rectangle">Rectangle type "Rectangle".</param>
/// <param name="straightY">Array of int functions.</param>
public LineInRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, int[] straightY)
this.rectangle = rectangle;
this.straightY = straightY;
/// <summary>
/// Read Only Properties.
/// </summary>
public int[] StraightY { get => straightY; }
/// <summary>
/// Read Only Properties.
/// </summary>
public Rectangle Rectangle { get => rectangle; }
/// <summary>
/// This method searches and records the points of the square that the line intersects.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Array type "Point[]", having the intersection points of straight lines with a square.</returns>
public Point[] FindPointsLinesIncisionRectangle()
Point[] PointLeft = new Point[StraightY.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < StraightY.GetLength(0); i++) //left border
if (Rectangle.Top < StraightY[i] && Rectangle.Bottom >= StraightY[i]) //Fing intersections.
PointLeft[i].X = Rectangle.Left;
PointLeft[i].Y = StraightY[i];
PointLeft[i].Y = Rectangle.Top; //We fill in the value which then we will delete.
Point[] PointRight = new Point[StraightY.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < StraightY.GetLength(0); i++) //right border
if (Rectangle.Top < StraightY[i] && Rectangle.Bottom >= StraightY[i]) //Fing intersections.
PointRight[i].X = Rectangle.Right;
PointRight[i].Y = StraightY[i];
PointRight[i].Y = Rectangle.Top; //We fill in the value which then we will delete.
Point[] PointLeftLast = PointLeft.Where(f => f.Y != Rectangle.Top).ToArray(); //Get rid of unnecessary values.
Point[] PointRightLast = PointRight.Where(f => f.Y != Rectangle.Top).ToArray();//Get rid of unnecessary values.
int coutntLeft = 0;
int coutntRight = 0;
Point[] lastPoint = new Point[PointLeftLast.GetLength(0) + PointRightLast.GetLength(0)];
for (int i = 0; i < lastPoint.GetLength(0); i += 2) //We connect two arrays in turn.
lastPoint[i] = PointLeftLast[coutntLeft];
lastPoint[i + 1] = PointRightLast[coutntRight];
return lastPoint;
/// <summary>
/// Field.
/// </summary>
Rectangle rectangle;
/// <summary>
/// Field.
/// </summary>
int[] straightY;
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