Есть такой скрипт. Пытаюсь к нему приделать траекторию. Допустим у меня есть здание буквой L. Мне нужно чтобы камера крутилась не по кругу как сейчас, а по траектории которая бы зависела от расстояния камеры до стен здания. Например, расстояние до стены или потолка должно быть не меньше 50f.
Кто-то поможет?)
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class RoomOrbitCam : MonoBehaviour
public Transform Target;
public float Distance; // Desired distance (units, ie Meters)
public float Rotation; // Desired rotation (degrees)
public float Tilt; // Desired tilt (degrees)
public bool Smoothing;
public float ZoomDampening;
public float RotationDampening;
public float TiltDampening;
public float MinDistance; // Minimum distance of camera from target
public float MaxDistance; // Maximum distance of camera from target
public float MinRotation; // Minimum rotation (degrees)
public float MaxRotation; // Maximum rotation (degrees)
public float MinTilt; // Minimum tilt (degrees)
public float MaxTilt; // Maximum tilt (degrees)
public bool CollisionDetection;
public float CameraRadius = 0.5f;
public bool AutoSetIgnoreLayers = false;
public LayerMask CollisionIgnoreLayerMask;
public bool FollowBehind;
public float FollowRotationOffset;
private float _currDistance; // actual distance
private float _currRotation; // actual rotation
private float _currTilt; // actual tilt
// Unity METHODS
public void Reset()
Smoothing = true;
CollisionDetection = true;
CameraRadius = 0.5f;
CollisionIgnoreLayerMask = 0; // "Nothing" by default!
AutoSetIgnoreLayers = false;
Distance = 16f;
MinDistance = 2f;
MaxDistance = 32f;
Rotation = 0f;
MinRotation = -180f;
MaxRotation = 180f;
Tilt = 45f;
MinTilt = -15f;
MaxTilt = 85f;
TiltDampening = 5f;
ZoomDampening = 5f;
RotationDampening = 5f;
FollowBehind = false;
FollowRotationOffset = 0;
protected void Start()
if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>())
// don't allow camera to rotate
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().freezeRotation = true;
// set our current values to the desired values so that we don't "slide in"
_currDistance = Distance;
_currRotation = Rotation;
_currTilt = Tilt;
protected void Update()
protected void LateUpdate()
if (Target == null)
// wrap and clamp values
Rotation = WrapAngle(Rotation);
Tilt = WrapAngle(Tilt);
Tilt = Mathf.Clamp(Tilt, MinTilt, MaxTilt);
Distance = Mathf.Clamp(Distance, MinDistance, MaxDistance);
Rotation = Mathf.Clamp(Rotation, MinRotation, MaxRotation);
// move from "desired" to "target" values
if (Smoothing)
_currRotation = Mathf.LerpAngle(_currRotation, Rotation, Time.deltaTime * RotationDampening);
_currDistance = Mathf.Lerp(_currDistance, Distance, Time.deltaTime * ZoomDampening);
_currTilt = Mathf.LerpAngle(_currTilt, Tilt, Time.deltaTime * TiltDampening);
_currRotation = Rotation;
_currDistance = Distance;
_currTilt = Tilt;
// if we're following AND forcing behind, override the rotation to point to target (with offset)
if (FollowBehind)
// optionally, we'll check to make sure the target is visible
if (CollisionDetection)
if (AutoSetIgnoreLayers && CollisionIgnoreLayerMask == 0)
CollisionIgnoreLayerMask = 1 << Target.gameObject.layer;
// recalculate the actual position of the camera based on the above
/// <summary>
/// Snaps the current and desired camera position to the specified values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distance"></param>
/// <param name="rotation"></param>
/// <param name="tilt"></param>
public void SnapTo(float distance, float rotation, float tilt)
Distance = _currDistance = distance;
Rotation = _currRotation = rotation;
Tilt = _currTilt = tilt;
/// <summary>
/// Update the camera position and rotation based on calculated values
/// </summary>
private void UpdateCamera()
if (Target == null)
var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(_currTilt, _currRotation, 0);
var v = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -_currDistance);
var position = rotation * v + Target.transform.position;
if (GetComponent<Camera>().orthographic)
GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize = _currDistance;
// update position and rotation of camera
transform.rotation = rotation;
transform.position = position;
private RaycastHit[] _prevHits;
private void CheckCollisions()
var direction = (transform.position - Target.transform.position);
var distance = Distance;
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.SphereCast(Target.transform.position, CameraRadius, direction, out hitInfo, distance, ~CollisionIgnoreLayerMask))
if (hitInfo.transform != Target) // don't collide with ourself! ... hopefully, our target's layer is in the CollisionIgnoreLayerMask
_currDistance = hitInfo.distance - 0.05f;
private void ForceFollowBehind()
var v = Target.transform.forward * -1;
var angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.forward, v);
var sign = (Vector3.Dot(v, Vector3.right) > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
_currRotation = Rotation = 180f + (sign * angle) + FollowRotationOffset;
private float WrapAngle(float angle)
while (angle < -180)
angle += 360;
while (angle > 180)
angle -= 360;
return angle;
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