ошибка: 13.cs(114,30): error CS1061: Type `ConsoleApp11.Test' does not contain a definition for `Theme' and no extension method `Theme' of type `ConsoleApp11.Test' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
13.cs(23,11): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
13.cs(116,30): error CS1061: Type ConsoleApp11.Test' does not contain a definition for
MaxGrade' and no extension method MaxGrade' of type
ConsoleApp11.Test' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
using System;
using System.IO;
using static System.Math;
using static System.Console;
namespace ConsoleApp11
class Qestion
protected string text;
protected string ans;
public Qestion() : this("", "") { }
public Qestion(string text, string ans)
this.text = text;
this.ans = ans;
public double getGrade()
return (text == ans) ? 5 : ((text[0] == ans[0]) ? 2.5 : 0);
class Test
protected int cntQestion;
protected double grade;
protected Qestion[] qestions;
public Test() : this(0) { }
public Test(int cntQestion)
grade = 0;
this.cntQestion = cntQestion;
qestions = new Qestion[cntQestion];
public int CntQestion
get { return cntQestion; }
set { cntQestion = value; }
public double Grade
get { return grade; }
public void init(Qestion[] qest)
qestions = qest;
for (int i = 0; i < cntQestion; ++i)
grade += qestions[i].getGrade();
public virtual double getGenarlGrade()
return (5 * cntQestion * 100 / grade) * 40;
class Modul : Test
protected double maxGrade;
protected string theme;
public Modul() : this(0, 0, "") { }
public Modul(int CntQestion, double maxGrade, string theme)
: base(CntQestion)
this.maxGrade = maxGrade;
this.theme = theme;
public double MaxGrade
get { return maxGrade; }
set { maxGrade = value; }
public string Theme
get { return theme; }
set { theme = value; }
public override double getGenarlGrade()
return (5 * cntQestion * 100 / grade) * maxGrade;
class Exam : Test
protected double gradePerSem;
public Exam() : this(0, 0) { }
public Exam(int CntQestion, int gradePerSem)
: base(CntQestion)
this.gradePerSem = gradePerSem;
public double GradePerSem
get { return gradePerSem; }
set { gradePerSem = value; }
public override double getGenarlGrade()
return (5 * cntQestion * 100 / grade) * 40 + gradePerSem;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Test[] works = new Test[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
WriteLine("Enter Exam or Modul");
if (ReadLine() != "Exam")
works[i] = new Modul();
WriteLine("Enter modul's theme");
works[i].Theme = ReadLine();
WriteLine("Enter max grade");
works[i].MaxGrade = Convert.ToInt32(ReadLine());
WriteLine("Enter count of qestions");
works[i].CntQestion = Convert.ToInt32(ReadLine());
WriteLine("Enter qestions");
Qestion[] qest = new Qestion[works[i].CntQestion];
for (int j = 0; j < works[i].CntQestion; ++j)
WriteLine("Enter {0} Qestion's text & answer", j);
qest[j] = new Qestion(ReadLine(), ReadLine());
WriteLine("Grade is" + works[i].getGenarlGrade());
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