Консоль хрома выдает ошибку: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token” JavaScript

13 ноября 2018, 17:40

var typed1 = new Typed("#typed1") { 
  strings: ["Hello.", "Greettings.", "Hey.", "Welcome.", "Howdy.", "Shalom.", "Hi."], 
  // typing speed 
  typeSpeed: 40, 
  // time before typing starts 
  startDelay: 1000, 
  //time before erasing starts 
  backDelay: 1000, 
  // backspacing speed 
  backSpeed: 60, 
  // loop 
  loop: true, 
  // false = infinite 
  loopCount: 5, 
  // show cursor 
  showCursor: true, 
  // character for cursor 
  cursorChar: "|", 
  // attribute to type (null == text) 

Консоль гласит, что ошибка на первой строке.

Answer 1

Опции идут вторым параметром:

var typed1 = new Typed("#typed1", {
  strings: ["Hello.", "Greettings.", "Hey.", "Welcome.", "Howdy.", "Shalom.", "Hi."],
  // typing speed
  typeSpeed: 40,
  // time before typing starts
  startDelay: 1000,
  //time before erasing starts
  backDelay: 1000,
  // backspacing speed
  backSpeed: 60,
  // loop
  loop: true,
  // false = infinite
  loopCount: 5,
  // show cursor
  showCursor: true,
  // character for cursor
  cursorChar: "|",
  // attribute to type (null == text)
Answer 2

var typed1 = new Typed("#typed1"); 
function Typed(selector) { 
  this.strings = ["Hello.", "Greettings.", "Hey.", "Welcome.", "Howdy.", "Shalom.", "Hi."]; 
  // typing speed 
  this.typeSpeed = 40; 
  // time before typing starts 
  this.startDelay = 1000; 
  //time before erasing starts 
  this.backDelay = 1000; 
  // backspacing speed 
  this.backSpeed = 60; 
  // loop 
  this.loop = true; 
  // false = infinite 
  this.loopCount = 5; 
  // show cursor 
  this.showCursor = true; 
  // character for cursor 
  this.cursorChar = "|"; 
  // attribute to type (null == text) 

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