День добрый.
Имею своего рода проблему, с ползунком.
Вот видео самой проблемы: Клик просмотра видео
Видно то, что если мы активируем ползунок и если дальше проскролить в низ страницы, то он всё равно остаётся активным, до того момента, пока мы куда-то в угол не кликнем дабы его деактивировать.
Само код ползунка:
! function(t) {
function e(t, e) {
if (r[t]) {
var s = i(this);
return r[t].apply(s, e)
throw new Error("method '" + t + "()' does not exist for slider.")
function i(e) {
var i = t(e).data("slider");
if (i && i instanceof h) return i;
throw new Error(a.callingContextNotSliderInstance)
function s(e) {
var i = t(this),
s = i.data("slider"),
a = "object" == typeof e && e;
return s || i.data("slider", s = new h(this, t.extend({}, t.fn.arf_slider.defaults, a))), i
var a = {
formatInvalidInputErrorMsg: function(t) {
return "Invalid input value '" + t + "' passed in"
callingContextNotSliderInstance: "Calling context element does not have instance of Slider bound to it. Check your code to make sure the JQuery object returned from the call to the slider() initializer is calling the method"
h = function(e, i) {
var s = this.element = t(e).show(),
a = s.outerWidth(),
h = !0,
r = this.element.parent();
r.hasClass("slider") === !0 ? (h = !0, this.picker = r) : this.picker = t('<div class="slider"><div class="arf-slider-track"><div class="slider-selection"></div><div class="arf-slider-handle"></div><div class="arf-slider-handle"></div></div><div class="arftooltip"><div class="arftooltip-arrow"></div><div class="arftooltip-inner" style="font-weight:bold"></div></div></div>').insertBefore(this.element).append(this.element), this.id = this.element.data("slider-id") || i.id, this.id && (this.picker[0].id = this.id), "undefined" != typeof Modernizr && Modernizr.touch && (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) && (this.touchCapable = !0);
var o = this.element.data("slider-tooltip") || i.tooltip;
switch (this.tooltip = this.picker.find(".arftooltip"), this.tooltipInner = this.tooltip.find("div.arftooltip-inner"), this.orientation = this.element.data("slider-orientation") || i.orientation, this.orientation) {
case "vertical":
this.picker.addClass("slider-vertical"), this.stylePos = "top", this.mousePos = "pageY", this.sizePos = "offsetHeight", this.tooltip.addClass("right")[0].style.left = "100%";
this.picker.addClass("slider-horizontal").css("width", a), this.orientation = "horizontal", this.stylePos = "left", this.mousePos = "pageX", this.sizePos = "offsetWidth", this.tooltip.addClass("top")[0].style.top = -this.tooltip.outerHeight() - 14 + "px"
var n = ["min", "max", "step", "value"];
for (key1 in n) attr = n[key1], "undefined" != typeof s.data("slider-" + attr) ? this[attr] = s.data("slider-" + attr) : "undefined" != typeof i[attr] ? this[attr] = i[attr] : "undefined" != typeof s.prop(attr) ? this[attr] = s.prop(attr) : this[attr] = 0;
this.value instanceof Array && (this.range = !0), this.selection = this.element.data("slider-selection") || i.selection, this.selectionEl = this.picker.find(".slider-selection"), "none" === this.selection && this.selectionEl.addClass("hide"), this.selectionElStyle = this.selectionEl[0].style, this.handle1 = this.picker.find(".arf-slider-handle:first"), this.handle1Stype = this.handle1[0].style, this.handle2 = this.picker.find(".arf-slider-handle:last"), this.handle2Stype = this.handle2[0].style;
var l = this.element.data("arf-slider-handle") || i.handle;
switch (l) {
case "round":
this.handle1.addClass("round"), this.handle2.addClass("round");
case "triangle":
this.handle1.addClass("triangle"), this.handle2.addClass("triangle")
if (this.range ? (this.value[0] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[0])), this.value[1] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[1]))) : (this.value = [Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value))], this.handle2.addClass("hide"), "after" === this.selection ? this.value[1] = this.max : this.value[1] = this.min), this.diff = this.max - this.min, this.percentage = [100 * (this.value[0] - this.min) / this.diff, 100 * (this.value[1] - this.min) / this.diff, 100 * this.step / this.diff], this.offset = this.picker.offset(), this.size = this.picker[0][this.sizePos], this.formater = i.formater, this.reversed = this.element.data("slider-reversed") || i.reversed, this.layout(), this.touchCapable ? this.picker.on({
touchstart: t.proxy(this.mousedown, this)
}) : this.picker.on({
mousedown: t.proxy(this.mousedown, this)
}), "hide" === o ? this.tooltip.addClass("hide") : "always" === o ? (this.showTooltip(), this.alwaysShowTooltip = !0) : this.picker.on({
mouseenter: t.proxy(this.showTooltip, this),
mouseleave: t.proxy(this.hideTooltip, this)
}), 1 == h) {
var d = this.getValue(),
u = this.calculateValue();
type: "slide",
value: u
}).data("value", u).prop("value", u), d !== u && this.element.trigger({
type: "slideChange",
"new": u,
old: d
}).data("value", u).prop("value", u)
this.enabled = i.enabled && (void 0 === this.element.data("slider-enabled") || this.element.data("slider-enabled") === !0), this.enabled || this.disable()
h.prototype = {
constructor: h,
over: !1,
inDrag: !1,
showTooltip: function() {
this.tooltip.addClass("in"), this.over = !0
hideTooltip: function() {
this.inDrag === !1 && this.alwaysShowTooltip !== !0 && this.tooltip.removeClass("in"), this.over = !1
layout: function() {
var t;
t = this.reversed ? [100 - this.percentage[0], this.percentage[1]] : [this.percentage[0], this.percentage[1]], t[0] = t[0] ? t[0] : 0, t[1] = t[1] ? t[1] : 0, this.handle1Stype[this.stylePos] = t[0] + "%", this.handle2Stype[this.stylePos] = t[1] + "%", "vertical" === this.orientation ? (this.selectionElStyle.top = Math.min(t[0], t[1]) + "%", this.selectionElStyle.height = Math.abs(t[0] - t[1]) + "%") : (this.selectionElStyle.left = Math.min(t[0], t[1]) + "%", this.selectionElStyle.width = Math.abs(t[0] - t[1]) + "%"), this.range ? (this.tooltipInner.text(this.formater(this.value[0]) + " : " + this.formater(this.value[1])), this.tooltip[0].style[this.stylePos] = this.size * (t[0] + (t[1] - t[0]) / 2) / 100 - ("vertical" === this.orientation ? this.tooltip.outerHeight() / 2 : this.tooltip.outerWidth() / 2) + "px") : (this.tooltipInner.text(this.formater(this.value[0])), this.tooltip[0].style[this.stylePos] = this.size * t[0] / 100 - ("vertical" === this.orientation ? this.tooltip.outerHeight() / 2 : this.tooltip.outerWidth() / 2) + "px")
mousedown: function(e) {
if (!this.isEnabled()) return !1;
this.touchCapable && "touchstart" === e.type && (e = e.originalEvent), this.offset = this.picker.offset(), this.size = this.picker[0][this.sizePos];
var i = this.getPercentage(e);
if (this.range) {
var s = Math.abs(this.percentage[0] - i),
a = Math.abs(this.percentage[1] - i);
this.dragged = a > s ? 0 : 1
} else this.dragged = 0;
this.percentage[this.dragged] = this.reversed ? 100 - i : i, this.layout(), navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) ? this.touchCapable = !0 : this.touchCapable = !1, this.touchCapable ? t(document).on({
touchmove: t.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
touchend: t.proxy(this.mouseup, this)
}) : t(document).on({
mousemove: t.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
mouseup: t.proxy(this.mouseup, this)
}), this.inDrag = !0;
var h = this.calculateValue();
return this.setValue(h), this.element.trigger({
type: "slideStart",
value: h
type: "slide",
value: h
}), !1
mousemove: function(t) {
if (!this.isEnabled()) return !1;
this.touchCapable && "touchmove" === t.type && (t = t.originalEvent);
var e = this.getPercentage(t);
this.range && (0 === this.dragged && this.percentage[1] < e ? (this.percentage[0] = this.percentage[1], this.dragged = 1) : 1 === this.dragged && this.percentage[0] > e && (this.percentage[1] = this.percentage[0], this.dragged = 0)), this.percentage[this.dragged] = this.reversed ? 100 - e : e, this.layout();
var i = this.calculateValue();
return this.setValue(i), this.element.trigger({
type: "slide",
value: i
}).data("value", i).prop("value", i), !1
mouseup: function() {
if (!this.isEnabled()) return !1;
this.touchCapable ? t(document).off({
touchmove: this.mousemove,
touchend: this.mouseup
}) : t(document).off({
mousemove: this.mousemove,
mouseup: this.mouseup
}), this.inDrag = !1, this.over === !1 && this.hideTooltip();
var e = this.calculateValue();
return this.layout(), this.element.data("value", e).prop("value", e).trigger({
type: "slideStop",
value: e
}), !1
calculateValue: function() {
var t;
return this.range ? (t = [Math.max(this.min, this.min + Math.round(this.diff * this.percentage[0] / 100 / this.step) * this.step), Math.min(this.max, this.min + Math.round(this.diff * this.percentage[1] / 100 / this.step) * this.step)], this.value = t) : (t = this.min + Math.round(this.diff * this.percentage[0] / 100 / this.step) * this.step, t < this.min ? t = this.min : t > this.max && (t = this.max), t = parseFloat(t.toFixed(2)), this.value = [t, this.value[1]]), t
getPercentage: function(t) {
var e = 100 * (t[this.mousePos] - this.offset[this.stylePos]) / this.size;
return e = Math.round(e / this.percentage[2]) * this.percentage[2], Math.max(0, Math.min(100, e))
getValue: function() {
return this.range ? this.value : this.value[0]
setValue: function(t) {
this.value = this.validateInputValue(t), this.range ? (this.value[0] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[0])), this.value[1] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[1]))) : (this.value = [Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value.toFixed(2)))], this.handle2.addClass("hide"), "after" === this.selection ? this.value[1] = this.max : this.value[1] = this.min), this.diff = this.max - this.min, this.percentage = [100 * (this.value[0] - this.min) / this.diff, 100 * (this.value[1] - this.min) / this.diff, 100 * this.step / this.diff], this.layout()
validateInputValue: function(t) {
if ("number" == typeof t) return t;
if (t instanceof Array) return t.forEach(function(t) {
if ("number" != typeof t) throw new Error(a.formatInvalidInputErrorMsg(t))
}), t;
throw new Error(a.formatInvalidInputErrorMsg(t))
destroy: function() {
this.element.show().insertBefore(this.picker), this.picker.remove(), t(this.element).removeData("slider"), t(this.element).off()
disable: function() {
this.enabled = !1, this.picker.addClass("slider-disabled"), this.element.trigger("slideDisabled")
enable: function() {
this.enabled = !0, this.picker.removeClass("slider-disabled"), this.element.trigger("slideEnabled")
toggle: function() {
this.enabled ? this.disable() : this.enable()
isEnabled: function() {
return this.enabled
var r = {
getValue: h.prototype.getValue,
setValue: h.prototype.setValue,
destroy: h.prototype.destroy,
disable: h.prototype.disable,
enable: h.prototype.enable,
toggle: h.prototype.toggle,
isEnabled: h.prototype.isEnabled
t.fn.arf_slider = function(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t) {
var i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
return e.call(this, t, i)
return s.call(this, t)
}, t.fn.arf_slider.defaults = {
min: 0,
max: 10,
step: 1,
orientation: "horizontal",
value: 5,
selection: "before",
tooltip: "show",
handle: "round",
reversed: !1,
enabled: !0,
formater: function(t) {
return t
}, t.fn.arf_slider.Constructor = h
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