React проблемы с модальным окном и массивом

04 июня 2022, 01:30

Я использую состояние все работает нормально, за исключением модального окна. Внутри состояния, я использую объекты, которые нормально отображаются (вы можете посмотреть на скриншот ) пожалуйста,обратите внимание на кнопки под названием "Открытый модал", когда вы нажмете на одну их этих кнопок, модальное окно открывается и должны отображать название языка программирования, как показано на скриншоте. Проблема в том, что при открытии модального окна отображается только одно и то же название языков программирования "CSS" независимо от того, какую кнопку я нажимаю, чтобы открыть модальное окно, отображается только "CSS", как я могу решить эту проблему?

 import React from "react"
    import cnStyle from "./ContentCourses.module.css"
    import python from "./Icons/pyhton.png"
    import cPlusPlus from "./Icons/c++.png"
    import JavaScript from "./Icons/JavaScript.png"
    import swift from "./Icons/swift.png"
    import HTML from "./Icons/HTML.png"
    import CSS from "./Icons/CSS.png"
    import Modal from 'react-modal';
    const customStyles = {
        content: {
            top: '50%',
            left: '50%',
            right: 'auto',
            bottom: 'auto',
            marginRight: '-50%',
            transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)'
    export class ContentCourses extends React.Component {
        constructor() {
            this.state = {
                languageInfo: [
                        languageName: "Python 3",
                        about: `
                        Learn Python, one of today's most in-demand programming languages on-the-go!
                        Practice writing Python code, collect points, & show off your skills now!`,
                        Learners: 30045,
                        Lessons: 87,
                        Quizzes: 271,
                        icon: python,
                        languageName: "JavaScript",
                        about: `
                        Learn all the basic features of JavaScript, including making your website more interactive,
                        changing website content, validating forms, and so much more.`,
                        Learners: 42123,
                        Lessons: 42,
                        Quizzes: 321,
                        icon: JavaScript,
                        languageName: "C++",
                        about: `
                        Our C++ tutorial covers basic concepts, data types, arrays, pointers, conditional statements,
                        loops, functions, classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.`,
                        Learners: 53241,
                        Lessons: 23,
                        Quizzes: 451,
                        icon: cPlusPlus,
                        languageName: "Swift",
                        about: `
                        Learn all the main concepts of Swift programming and apply your newly gained knowledge
                        to create your own, fully functioning iOS app!`,
                        Learners: 63211,
                        Lessons: 54,
                        Quizzes: 623,
                        icon: swift,
                        languageName: "HTML",
                        about: `
                        This FREE course will teach you how to design a web page using HTML.
                        Complete a series of hands-on exercises and practice while writing real HTML code.`,
                        Learners: 18024,
                        Lessons: 32,
                        Quizzes: 962,
                        icon: HTML,
                        languageName: "CSS",
                        about: `
                        Our CSS course will teach you how to control the style & layout of websites.
                        Complete a series of exercises and practice while filling out actual CSS templates.`,
                        Learners: 58932,
                        Lessons: 46,
                        Quizzes: 125,
                        icon: CSS,
                modalIsOpen: false,
                setIsOpen: false,
        openModal() {
            this.setState({setIsOpen: true})
            this.setState({modalIsOpen: true})
        afterOpenModal() {
            // references are now sync'd and can be accessed.
            // = '#f00';
        closeModal() {
            this.setState({setIsOpen: false})
            this.setState({modalIsOpen: false})
        render() {
            var subtitle;
            const resultsRender = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < this.state.languageInfo.length; i += 2) {
                    <div className={cnStyle.clearfix}>
                            this.state.languageInfo.slice(i, i + 2).map((item, index) => {
                                    return (
                                        <div key={index} className={cnStyle.ContentVeryHeadlineBlock}>
                                            <div className={cnStyle.ContentHeadlineBlock}>
                                                <div className={cnStyle.ContentCoursesBlock}>
                                                    <div style={{marginRight: '25px'}} className={cnStyle.courseIconBlock}>
                                                        <img className={cnStyle.courseIcon} src={item.icon} alt=""/>
                                                        <div className={cnStyle.courseName}>
                                                            <p style={{color: 'dimgrey'}}>
                                                <div className={cnStyle.buttonMoreBlock}>
                                                        <button onClick={this.openModal.bind(this)}>Open Modal</button>
                                                            contentLabel="Example Modal"
                                                            <h2 ref={_subtitle => (subtitle = _subtitle)}>{item.languageName}</h2>
                                                            <button onClick={this.closeModal.bind(this)}>close</button>
                                                            <div>I am a modal</div>
                                                                <input />
                                                                <button>tab navigation</button>
                                                                <button>the modal</button>
                                            <div className={cnStyle.moreInformation}>
                                                    <p className={cnStyle.learnQuantity}>{item.Learners}</p>
                                                    <p className={cnStyle.learnQuantity}>{item.Lessons}</p>
                                                    <p className={cnStyle.learnQuantity}>{item.Quizzes}</p>
            return (
Answer 1

у вас общее состояние для всех окон, они все одновременно открываются и закрываются (последний перекрывает все предыдущие). Нужно каждому разделу дать свои флаги на состояние модального окна.

export class ContentCourses extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            languageInfo: [
                    languageName: "Python 3",
                    about: `
                    Learn Python, one of today's most in-demand programming languages on-the-go!
                    Practice writing Python code, collect points, & show off your skills now!`,
                    Learners: 30045,
                    Lessons: 87,
                    Quizzes: 271,
                    modalIsOpen: false,
                    languageName: "JavaScript",
                    about: `
                    Learn all the basic features of JavaScript, including making your website more interactive,
                    changing website content, validating forms, and so much more.`,
                    Learners: 42123,
                    Lessons: 42,
                    Quizzes: 321,
                    modalIsOpen: false,
                    languageName: "C++",
                    about: `
                    Our C++ tutorial covers basic concepts, data types, arrays, pointers, conditional statements,
                    loops, functions, classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.`,
                    Learners: 53241,
                    Lessons: 23,
                    Quizzes: 451,
                    modalIsOpen: false,
                    languageName: "Swift",
                    about: `
                    Learn all the main concepts of Swift programming and apply your newly gained knowledge
                    to create your own, fully functioning iOS app!`,
                    Learners: 63211,
                    Lessons: 54,
                    Quizzes: 623,
                    modalIsOpen: false,
                    languageName: "HTML",
                    about: `
                    This FREE course will teach you how to design a web page using HTML.
                    Complete a series of hands-on exercises and practice while writing real HTML code.`,
                    Learners: 18024,
                    Lessons: 32,
                    Quizzes: 962,
                    modalIsOpen: false,
                    languageName: "CSS",
                    about: `
                    Our CSS course will teach you how to control the style & layout of websites.
                    Complete a series of exercises and practice while filling out actual CSS templates.`,
                    Learners: 58932,
                    Lessons: 46,
                    Quizzes: 125,
                    modalIsOpen: false,
    openModal(i) {
      const languageInfo = [...this.state.languageInfo];
      languageInfo[i] = {...languageInfo[i],setIsOpen: true,modalIsOpen: true}
    afterOpenModal() {
        // references are now sync'd and can be accessed.
        // = '#f00';
    closeModal = (i)=>()=>{
      const languageInfo = [...this.state.languageInfo];
      languageInfo[i] = {...languageInfo[i],setIsOpen: false,modalIsOpen: false}
    render() {
        var subtitle;
        const resultsRender = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < this.state.languageInfo.length; i += 2) {
                <div key={i}>
                        this.state.languageInfo.slice(i, i + 2).map((item, index) => {
                                return (
                                    <div key={index}>    
                                                <div style={{marginRight: '25px'}}>
                                                    <img src={item.icon} alt=""/>
                                                        <p style={{color: 'dimgrey'}}>

                                                    <button onClick={this.openModal.bind(this,index)}>Open Modal</button>
                                                        contentLabel="Example Modal"
                                                        <h2 ref={_subtitle => (subtitle = _subtitle)}>{item.languageName}</h2>
                                                        <button onClick={this.closeModal(index)}>close</button>
                                                        <div>I am a modal</div>
                                                            <input />
                                                            <button>tab navigation</button>
                                                            <button>the modal</button>
        return (
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