IPS Forum, Регистрация не в стандартную базу

02 июля 2022, 04:40

В стандарте при регистрации пользователя записывает логин пасс в MySql базу а пароль еще и шифрует, нужно сделать регистрацию в отдельную MySql базу, без шифровки пароля.

 * @brief       External Database Login Handler
 * @author      <a href='http://www.invisionpower.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright   (c) 2001 - SVN_YYYY Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license     http://www.invisionpower.com/legal/standards/
 * @package     IPS Social Suite
 * @since       18 Mar 2013
 * @version     SVN_VERSION_NUMBER
namespace IPS\Login;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
    header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
 * External Database Login Handler
class _External extends LoginAbstract
     * @brief   Authentication types
    public $authTypes;
     * Initiate
     * @return  void
    public function init()
        $this->authTypes = $this->settings['auth_types'] ?: \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME;
     * Authenticate
     * @param   array   $values Values from from
     * @return  \IPS\Member
     * @throws  \IPS\Login\Exception
    public function authenticate( $values )
        /* Build where clause */
        switch ( $this->authTypes )
            case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME:
                $where = array( "{$this->settings['db_col_user']}=?", $values['auth'] );
            case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL:
                $where = array( "{$this->settings['db_col_email']}=?", $values['auth'] );
            case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME + \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL:
                $where = array( "{$this->settings['db_col_user']}=? OR {$this->settings['db_col_email']}=?", $values['auth'], $values['auth'] );
        if ( $this->settings['db_extra'] )
            $where[0] .= $this->settings['db_extra'];
        /* Fetch result */
            $result = $this->externalDb()->select( '*', $this->settings['db_table'], $where )->first();
        catch ( \IPS\Db\Exception $e )
            throw new \IPS\Login\Exception( 'generic_error', \IPS\Login\Exception::INTERNAL_ERROR );
        catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
            switch ( $this->authTypes )
                case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME + \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL:
                    $type = 'username_or_email';
                case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME:
                    $type = 'username';
                case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL:
                    $type = 'email_address';
            throw new \IPS\Login\Exception( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'login_err_no_account', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $type ) ) ) ), \IPS\Login\Exception::NO_ACCOUNT );
        /* Get a local account if one exists */
        $member = NULL;
        if ( $this->settings['db_col_user'] )
            $_member = \IPS\Member::load( $result[ $this->settings['db_col_user'] ], 'name' );
            if ( $_member->member_id )
                $member = $_member;
        if ( $this->settings['db_col_email'] )
            $_member = \IPS\Member::load( $result[ $this->settings['db_col_email'] ], 'email' );
            if ( $_member->member_id )
                $member = $_member;
        /* If the password doesn't match, throw an exception */
        if ( !\IPS\Login::compareHashes( $this->encryptedPassword( $values['password'] ), $result[ $this->settings['db_col_pass'] ] ) )
            throw new \IPS\Login\Exception( 'login_err_bad_password', \IPS\Login\Exception::BAD_PASSWORD, NULL, $member );
        /* Or, create a member */
        if ( $member === NULL )
            $member = $this->createOrUpdateAccount( NULL, array(), $this->settings['db_col_user'] ? $result[ $this->settings['db_col_user'] ] : NULL, $this->settings['db_col_email'] ? $result[ $this->settings['db_col_email'] ] : NULL );
        /* Return */
        return $member;
     * Encrypt Password
     * @param   string  $password   The password
     * @return  bool
    protected function encryptedPassword( $password )
        switch ( $this->settings['db_encryption'] )
            case 'md5':
                return md5( $password );
            case 'sha1':
                return sha1( $password );
                return $password;
     * ACP Settings Form
     * @param   string  $url    URL to redirect user to after successful submission
     * @return  array   List of settings to save - settings will be stored to core_login_handlers.login_settings DB field
     * @code
        return array( 'savekey' => new \IPS\Helpers\Form\[Type]( ... ), ... );
     * @endcode
    public function acpForm()
        return array(
            'sql_host'      =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_host', $this->settings['sql_host'] ?: 'localhost', TRUE ),
            'sql_user'      =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_user', $this->settings['sql_user'], TRUE ),
            'sql_pass'      =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_pass', $this->settings['sql_pass'], TRUE ),
            'sql_database'  =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_database', $this->settings['sql_database'], TRUE ),
            'sql_port'      =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'login_external_port', $this->settings['sql_port'], FALSE ),
            'sql_socket'    =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_socket', $this->settings['sql_socket'], FALSE ),
            'db_table'      =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_table', $this->settings['db_table'], TRUE ),
            'db_col_user'   =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_username', $this->settings['db_col_user'], FALSE, array(), function( $val )
                        if ( !$val and \IPS\Request::i()->login_auth_types & \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME )
                            throw new \DomainException('login_external_username_err');
                    } ),
            'db_col_email'  =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_email', $this->settings['db_col_email'], FALSE, array(), function( $val )
                        if ( !$val and \IPS\Request::i()->login_auth_types & \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL )
                            throw new \DomainException('login_external_email_err');
                    } ),
            'db_col_pass'   =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_password', $this->settings['db_col_pass'], TRUE ),
            'db_encryption' =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'login_external_encryption', $this->settings['db_encryption'], TRUE, array( 'options' => array(
                        'md5'       => 'MD5',
                        'sha1'      => 'SHA1',
                        'plaintext' => 'login_external_encryption_plain',
                    ) ) ),
            'db_extra'      =>  new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'login_external_extra', isset( $this->settings['db_extra'] ) ? $this->settings['db_extra'] : '' ),
            'auth_types'    => new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'login_auth_types', $this->settings['auth_types'], TRUE, array( 'options' => array(
                \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME => 'username',
                \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL => 'email_address',
                \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME + \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL => 'username_or_email',
            ) ) ),
     * Test Settings
     * @return  bool
     * @throws  \IPS\Db\Exception
    public function testSettings()
        $select = array( $this->settings['db_col_pass'] );
        if ( $this->settings['db_col_user'] )
            $select[] = $this->settings['db_col_user'];
        if ( $this->settings['db_col_email'] )
            $select[] = $this->settings['db_col_email'];
            $result = $this->externalDb()->select( implode( ',', $select ), $this->settings['db_table'], $this->settings['db_extra'] )->first();
        catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
            // It's possible that no users exist, which is fine
        return TRUE;
     * Get DB Connection
     * @return  bool
     * @throws  \IPS\Db\Exception
    protected function externalDb()
        return \IPS\Db::i( 'external_login', $this->settings );
     * Can a member sign in with this login handler?
     * Used to ensure when a user disassociates a social login that they have some other way of logging in
     * @param   \IPS\Member $member The member
     * @return  bool
    public function canProcess( \IPS\Member $member )
        if ( $this->authTypes & \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME and $member->name and $this->usernameIsInUse( $member->name ) )
            return TRUE;
        if ( $this->authTypes & \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL and $member->email and $this->emailIsInUse( $member->email ) )
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
     * Can a member change their email/password with this login handler?
     * @param   string      $type   'username' or 'email' or 'password'
     * @param   \IPS\Member $member The member
     * @return  bool
    public function canChange( $type, \IPS\Member $member )
        return $this->canProcess( $member );
     * Email is in use?
     * Used when registering or changing an email address to check the new one is available
     * @param   string              $email      Email Address
     * @param   \IPS\Member|NULL    $exclude    Member to exclude
     * @return  bool|NULL Boolean indicates if email is in use (TRUE means is in use and thus not registerable) or NULL if this handler does not support such an API
    public function emailIsInUse( $email, \IPS\Member $exclude=NULL )
        if ( $exclude )
            return NULL;
            $this->externalDb()->select( $this->settings['db_col_email'], $this->settings['db_table'],  array( "{$this->settings['db_col_email']}=?", $email ) )->first();
            return TRUE;
        catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
            return FALSE;
        catch ( \IPS\Db\Exception $e )
            return NULL;
     * Username is in use?
     * Used when registering or changing an username to check the new one is available
     * @param   string  $username   Username
     * @return  bool|NULL           Boolean indicates if username is in use (TRUE means is in use and thus not registerable) or NULL if this handler does not support such an API
    public function usernameIsInUse( $username )
            $result = $this->externalDb()->select( $this->settings['db_col_user'], $this->settings['db_table'], array( "{$this->settings['db_col_user']}=?", $username ) )->first();
            return TRUE;
        catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
            return FALSE;
        catch ( \IPS\Db\Exception $e )
            return NULL;
     * Change Email Address
     * @param   \IPS\Member $member     The member
     * @param   string      $oldEmail   Old Email Address
     * @param   string      $newEmail   New Email Address
     * @return  void
     * @throws  \IPS\Db\Exception
    public function changeEmail( \IPS\Member $member, $oldEmail, $newEmail )
        if ( $this->settings['db_col_email'] )
            $this->externalDb()->update( $this->settings['db_table'], array( $this->settings['db_col_email'] => $newEmail ), array( $this->settings['db_col_email'] . '=?', $oldEmail ) );
     * Change Password
     * @param   \IPS\Member $member         The member
     * @param   string      $newPassword    New Password
     * @return  void
     * @throws  \IPS\Db\Exception
    public function changePassword( \IPS\Member $member, $newPassword )
        $where = '1=0';
        switch ( $this->authTypes )
            case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME:
                $where = array( "{$this->settings['db_col_user']}=?", $member->name );
            case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL:
            case \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_USERNAME + \IPS\Login::AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL:
                $where = array( "{$this->settings['db_col_email']}=?", $member->email );
        $this->externalDb()->update( $this->settings['db_table'], array( $this->settings['db_col_pass'] => $this->encryptedPassword( $newPassword ) ), $where );
     * Change Username
     * @param   \IPS\Member $member         The member
     * @param   string      $oldUsername    Old Username
     * @param   string      $newUsername    New Username
     * @return  void
     * @throws  \IPS\Db\Exception
    public function changeUsername( \IPS\Member $member, $oldUsername, $newUsername )
        if ( $this->settings['db_col_user'] )
            $this->externalDb()->update( $this->settings['db_table'], array( $this->settings['db_col_user'] => $newUsername ), array( $this->settings['db_col_user'] . '=?', $oldUsername ) );
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