Подскажите, почему происходит дублирование адреса на первой странице?
public function get_category( $cat_id, $page = 1, $size = 9, $addr = "/catalog.php")
if ($cat_id != "") {
$sql = "select cat_name,cat_desc,cat_desc_foot,is_sell,cat_addr from ito_categories where cat_id=" . $cat_id;
$res = mysql_query($sql, $db);
$row1 = mysql_fetch_row($res);
$is_sell = $row1[3];
$addr1 = "";
if ($row1[4] != "") {
$addr1 = $row1[4];
print "<h1>" . $row1[0] . "</h1>";
$this->get_broad( $cat_id);
$foot = "";
if ($page == 1) {
print str_replace('\"', '"', $row1[1]) . "<br>";
$sql_child = "select cat_name,cat_id,cat_addr,cat_img from ito_categories where is_show is null and cat_cat_id=" . $cat_id . " order by srt";
$res = mysql_query($sql_child, $db);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
if ($row[2] != "") {
$addr2 = $row[2];
} else {
$addr2 = "$addr?cat_id=" . $row[1];
if (preg_match('/\/images/', $row[3]) > 0) {
$immg =$row[3];
$immg ="/images/category/".$row[3];
print "<a href='" . $addr2 . "' class=\"a_cat\">
<span>" . $row[0] . "</span>
<img src='" . $immg . "' alt=''/>
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
$foot = str_replace('\"', '"', $row1[2]);
$sql_prod = "select prod_id,prod_name,cat_index,sh_img,price,short_desc,qw from ito_products where is_show is null and cat_id=" . $cat_id . " order by price,cat_index";
//print $sql_prod;
$res = mysql_query($sql_prod, $db);
$cnt = 1;
$cnt_first = ($page - 1) * $size + 1;
$cnt_last = ($page - 1) * $size + $size;
$show_list = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
if ($cnt >= $cnt_first && $cnt <= $cnt_last) {
$qq = $row[5];
$height = "";
if ($is_sell != 1) {
$height = "height:240px;";
$amount = round($row[4]);
if ($amount == 0) {
$amount = "Договор";
} else {
$amount = $amount . " -";
$iimg = "/images/product/" . $row[3];
if (preg_match('/\/images/', $row[3]) > 0) {
$iimg = $row[3];
//print 1;
/*$href = "";
if ($is_sell == 1) {*/
$href = "href=\"/product.php?id=" . $row[0] . "\" title=\"Посмотреть описание модели\"";
print "<div align=\"center\" class=\"div_cat\" style='" . $height . "'>
<a class='div_cat_h2' " . $href . " >" . $row[1] . "</a>
<h3 id=\"" . $row[0] . "\">" . $row[2] . "</h3>
<a class='div_cat'" . $href . " style=\"text-decoration:none;background:url('" . $iimg . "') center top no-repeat;\"> </a>
<div class=\"div_right\">" . $qq . "</div>
if ($is_sell == 1) {
$qw = "<b class=\"nazakas\">На заказ</b>";
if ($row[6] > 1) {
$qw = "В наличии";
print "<div class=\"price\">" . $qw . " <img src='/img/price_tag_icon.png' alt=''/><span>" . $amount . "</span></div>
<div class=\"btn_block\">
<a class='div_cat' href=\"/product.php?id=" . $row[0] . "\" title=\"Посмотреть описание модели\">Подробнее</a>";
if ($amount != "Договор") {
print "<button onclick='add_req(" . $row[0] . ")'></button>";
print "</div>"; /*<a href=''>Добавить к сравнению</a>*/
/* print "<div class=price style='margin:40px 0px 0px 0px;'>На заказ <img src='img/price_tag_icon.png' alt=''><span>".$amount."</span></div>";*/
print "</div>";
$sql_q = "select count(1) from ito_products where is_show is null and cat_id=" . $cat_id;
$res = mysql_query($sql_q, $db);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
$cnt = (int)($row[0] / 9);
//print $cnt;
if ($row[0] % 9 > 0) {
$cnt = $cnt + 1;
$margin = 220 - 24 * $cnt;
if ($show_list > 0 && $cnt > 1) {
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
print "<div class=\"navi\">";
if ($page == 1) {
print "<span class=\"pagenav1\">«</span>";
} else {
if ($page == 1) {
$p = "";
}else {
$p = $page - 1;
$aa = $addr . "?cat_id=" . $cat_id . "&page=" . $p;
if ($page == 2) {
$aa = $addr1;
print "<a class=\"pagenav1\" href=\"" . $aa . "\">«</a>";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $cnt; $i++) {
if ($i == $page) {
print "<div class=\"a_pg\">" . $i . "</div>";
} else {
if ($i == 1) {
$aa = $addr1;
} else {
$aa = $addr . "?cat_id=" . $cat_id . "&page=" . $i;
print "<a href='". $aa . "' class=\"a_pg\">" . $i . "</a>";
if ($page == $cnt) {
print "<span class=\"pagenav1\">»</span>";
} else {
print "<a class=\"pagenav1\" href=\"$addr?cat_id=" . $cat_id . "&page=" . ($page + 1) . "\">»</a>";
print "</div>";
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
print $foot;
} else {
print "<h1>Каталог продукции</h1>";
$sql_child = "select cat_name,cat_id,cat_addr,cat_img from ito_categories where is_show is null and (cat_cat_id is null or cat_cat_id=0) order by `srt`";
$res = mysql_query($sql_child, $db);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
if ($row[2] != "") {
$addr1 = $row[2];
} else {
$addr1 = $addr . "?cat_id=" . $row[1];
print "<a href='" . $addr1 . "' class=a_cat>
<span>" . $row[0] . "</span>
<img src='/images/category/" . $row[3] . "' alt=''/>
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
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