Пытаюсь переделать данные методы в stream, используя filter и map методы.
В учебнике предлагается переделать метод
printSightingsBy(int spotter)
в следующий:
public void printSightingsBy(int spotter)
.filter(sighting -> sighting.getSpotter() == spotter)
.map(sighting -> sighting.getDetails())
.forEach (details -> System.out.println (details))
Почему нельзя сделать так:
public void printSightingsBy(int spotter)
.filter(sighting -> sighting.getSpotter() == spotter)//получаем человека
//получаем детали о животных, которые отслеживаются данным человеком
.forEach (sighting -> System.out.println (sighting.getDetails()));
Код класса следующий:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Monitor counts of different types of animal.
* Sightings are recorded by spotters.
* @author David J. Barnes and Michael Kölling
* @version 2016.02.29 (imperative)
public class AnimalMonitor
// Records of all the sightings of animals.
private ArrayList<Sighting> sightings;
* Create an AnimalMonitor.
public AnimalMonitor()
this.sightings = new ArrayList<>();
* Add the sightings recorded in the given filename to the current list.
* @param filename A CSV file of Sighting records.
public void addSightings(String filename)
SightingReader reader = new SightingReader();
* Print details of all the sightings.
public void printList()
//for(Sighting record : sightings) {
// System.out.println(record.getDetails());
sightings.forEach(record -> System.out.println(record.getDetails()));
* Print the details of all the sightings of the given animal.
* @param animal The type of animal.
public void printSightingsOf(String animal)
for(Sighting record : sightings) {
if(animal.equals(record.getAnimal())) {
* Print all the sightings by the given spotter.
* @param spotter The ID of the spotter.
public void printSightingsBy(int spotter)
for(Sighting record : sightings) {
if(record.getSpotter() == spotter) {
* Print a list of the types of animal considered to be endangered.
* @param animalNames A list of animals names.
* @param dangerThreshold Counts less-than or equal-to to this level
* are considered to be dangerous.
public void printEndangered(ArrayList<String> animalNames,
int dangerThreshold)
for(String animal : animalNames) {
if(getCount(animal) <= dangerThreshold) {
System.out.println(animal + " is endangered.");
* Return a count of the number of sightings of the given animal.
* @param animal The type of animal.
* @return The count of sightings of the given animal.
public int getCount(String animal)
int total = 0;
for(Sighting sighting : sightings) {
if(animal.equals(sighting.getAnimal())) {
total = total + sighting.getCount();
return total;
* Remove from the sightings list all of those records with
* a count of zero.
public void removeZeroCounts()
Iterator<Sighting> it = sightings.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
Sighting record = it.next();
if(record.getCount() == 0) {
* Return a list of all sightings of the given type of animal
* in a particular area.
* @param animal The type of animal.
* @param area The ID of the area.
* @return A list of sightings.
public ArrayList<Sighting> getSightingsInArea(String animal, int area)
ArrayList<Sighting> records = new ArrayList<>();
for(Sighting record : sightings) {
if(animal.equals(record.getAnimal())) {
if(record.getArea() == area) {
return records;
* Return a list of all the sightings of the given animal.
* @param animal The type of animal.
* @return A list of all sightings of the given animal.
public ArrayList<Sighting> getSightingsOf(String animal)
ArrayList<Sighting> filtered = new ArrayList<>();
for(Sighting record : sightings) {
if(animal.equals(record.getAnimal())) {
return filtered;
Код класса, определяющий информацию о нахождении животных:
public class Sighting
// The animal spotted.
private final String animal;
// The ID of the spotter.
private final int spotter;
// How many were seen.
private final int count;
// The ID of the area in which they were seen.
private final int area;
// The reporting period.
private final int period;
* Create a record of a sighting of a particular type of animal.
* @param animal The animal spotted.
* @param spotter The ID of the spotter.
* @param count How many were seen (>= 0).
* @param area The ID of the area in which they were seen.
* @param period The reporting period.
public Sighting(String animal, int spotter, int count, int area, int period)
this.animal = animal;
this.spotter = spotter;
this.count = count;
this.area = area;
this.period = period;
* Return the type of animal spotted.
* @return The animal type.
public String getAnimal()
return animal;
* Return the ID of the spotter.
* @return The spotter's ID.
public int getSpotter()
return spotter;
* Return how many were spotted.
* @return The number seen.
public int getCount()
return count;
* Return the ID of the area in which they were seen.
* @return Where they were seen.
public int getArea()
return area;
* Return the period in which they were seen.
* @return When they were seen.
public int getPeriod()
return period;
* Return a string containing details of the animal, the number seen,
* where they were seen, who spotted them and when.
* @return A string giving details of the sighting.
public String getDetails()
return animal +
", count = " + count +
", area = " + area +
", spotter = " + spotter +
", period = " + period;
Потому, что каждый этап обработки стрима должен быть максимально кратким и узкоспециализированным, а также минимально сцепленным с обрабатываемыми данными. Это облегчает восприятие кода и упрощает его сопровождение. В частности, в вашем примере задача операции передаваемой в forEach
только выводить текст в консоль, ей не нужно для этого знать структуру класса Sighting
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