Добавать таймер в код javascript

10 апреля 2018, 05:10

Необходимо добавить таймер в так, чтобы он начинал работать при нажатии на первую карточку и заканчивал работать, если игрок выиграл или проиграл с фиксацией результата, чтобы потом он выводился в сообщение

const cardSymbol = ['fa-bicycle', 'fa-bicycle',  
 				'fa-leaf', 'fa-leaf',  
 				'fa-cube', 'fa-cube', 
 				'fa-anchor', 'fa-anchor',  
				'fa-paper-plane-o', 'fa-paper-plane-o',  
				'fa-bolt', 'fa-bolt', 
				'fa-bomb', 'fa-bomb',  
				'fa-diamond', 'fa-diamond' 
// Create a empty array to store the open card. 
// Initialize the match cards and the number of moves.  
let openCards = []; 
let matchedCards = []; 
let numStar = 3;  
// Shuffle function from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2450976 
function shuffle(array) { 
	var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; 
	while (currentIndex !== 0) { 
		randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); 
		currentIndex -= 1; 
		temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; 
		array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; 
		array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; 
	return array; 
// Bind reset button's click event 
function bindResetClickEvent(){ 
	$('.restart').on('click', function(){ 
// Bind card's click event 
function bindCardClickEvent(){ 
	$('.card').on('click', function(event){ 
		let card = $(event.target); 
// Ensure that variables are initialized 
function initVariables(){ 
	openCards.length = 0; 
	matchedCards.length = 0; 
	counter = 0; 
// Clear verbiage on the text 
function clearText(){ 
// shuffle the list of cards 
function randomizeCards(){ 
	let newCardSymbol = shuffle(cardSymbol); 
	for(let i = 0; i < cardSymbol.length; i++){ 
		$('.deck').append('<li class="card"><i class="fa ' + cardSymbol[i] + '"></i></li>'); 
// Ramdomizes cards and updates card on HTML. 
function initGame(){ 
	$('.fa-star').css('color', '#F4A460'); 
 // Open and show the selected card. 
function showSymbol(card){ 
	card.addClass('open show'); 
// Hide the selected card. 
function hideSymbol(card){ 
	card.removeClass('open show notmatch'); 
// Make symbol red. 
function redSymbol(card){ 
// Keep the matched cards. 
function keepOpenOfMatch(card){ 
	card.removeClass('open show'); 
//.attr()get the value of 'class' attribute. But why split? --> in order to easily compare 
// Add the open card to openCards array.  
function addToOpen(card){ 
	const cardPic = card.children('i').attr('class').split(' ')[1]; 
function increaseCounter(){ 
	counter += 1; 
	// Decrease the star according to the number of moves that player made. 
	if(counter === 5){ 
		numStar = 2; 
	} else if(counter === 10){ 
		numStar = 1; 
	} else if(counter === 15){ 
		numStar = 0; 
// The message will be shown when player win the game.  
function showWinMessage(){ 
	$('.winning-text').text('You have won the game with '+numStar+' star ' + counter +'. Congratulations!'); 
	$('#winningModal').css('display', 'block'); 
// The message will be shown when player loses the game. 
function showLoseMessage(){ 
	$('.losing-text').text('You lose the game with '+numStar+' star, ' + counter + 'moves.'); 
	$('#losingModal').css('display', 'block'); 
// Check if a game is over. 
function isGameOver(){ 
	if (matchedCards.length === 16){ 
	return false; 
// Check if the card is already opened, showed or already matched. 
function isAlreadyOpen(card){ 
	if (card.hasClass('match')) return true; 
	if (card.hasClass('open')) return true; 
	if (card.hasClass('show')) return true; 
	return false; 
// Under some circumstances, we do not want the card click to do anything. 
// Handle those circumstances here. 
function validate(card){ 
	// If game is over, don't do anything. 
	if(isGameOver()) return false; 
	// If card is already open, don't do anything. 
	if (isAlreadyOpen(card)) return false; 
	// If there are already 2 or more cards open, don't do anything. 
	if (openCards.length > 1) return false; 
	return true; 
// Keep cards open and remember the cards when there's a match. 
function handleMatch(){ 
		keepOpenOfMatch($('.card:has(.' + element + ')')); 
	openCards.length = 0; 
// Hide the cards when there's not a match. 
function handleNoMatch(){ 
	setTimeout(alertUser, 200); 
	setTimeout(closeCards, 1000); 
// Alert the user with a red card 
function alertUser(){ 
		redSymbol($('.show:has(.' + element + ')')); 
// Close the card 
function closeCards(){ 
		hideSymbol($('.show:has(.' + element + ')')); 
	openCards.length = 0; 
// Handle conditions when there's match or not a match 
function checkMatch(){ 
	match = (openCards[0] === openCards[1]) 
	if (match){ 
// handle functionality when card is clicked 
// validate to see if any action needs to be taken 
// remember the card that was clicked 
// perform match if this is the 2nd card that was clicked 
function cardClicked(card){ 
	if(!validate(card)) return; // Stop executing other statements if validation fails. 
	// open the card and remember the opened card. 
	// if this is the first card that's opened, do nothing 
	if (openCards.length === 1) { 
	setTimeout(checkMatch, 500); 
	$('.close').click(function() { 
    	$('.modal').css('display', 'none'); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

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