FileReader загрузить текстовый файл

14 сентября 2018, 15:00

пытаюсь загрузить текстовый файл любого формата через FileReader и не могу получить файл в base64, как делаю с изображениями вот код

 * function handleFileSelect done next aftet click by button #files  
 * and will across FileReader show image in canvas also create size  
 * if image big 
function handleFileSelect(evt) { //  create funtion handleFileSelect and catch event 
    evt.stopPropagation(); // stop event this across page not rebooted 
    evt.preventDefault(); // stop event this across page not rebooted 
    if (window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader) { //Check File API support 
        var files =; // FileList object across click 
        var idd = this.className; // area where will show image canvas 
        var id = parseInt(idd.replace(/\D+/g,"")); 
        var output = document.getElementById("result"); // area where will show image canvas 
        for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // Create cycle for variable files.length this quantity files 
            var file = files[i]; // variable one each file from cycle 
            if (file.type.match('image')){ // Check what load only image 
            var picReader = new FileReader(); // create new FileReader 
            picReader.addEventListener("load", function(event) { // create handler event how only in load image 
            var picFile =; // get data object 
                 * function etr find heidht image this need if image big 
                function etr() { // create funtion  
                    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // create asynchronously fuction Promise aross know heigh load image 
                        var img = new Image(); // create objet image 
                        img.onload = _ => resolve(img.height); // in case of successful load image i will know height  
                        img.onerror = reject; // in case of error 
                        img.src = picFile.result; // image in base64 
                    });// close asynchronously fuction Promise 
                };// close funtion etr 
                (async function() { // launch asynchronously function 
                var originalImage = await etr(); // get height image 
                    var a = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000 - 0)) + 0; // create random id for new image 
                    var div = document.createElement("div"); // create new div if load new image 
                    div.className = 'div_one'; // add class for variable div 
                    div.innerHTML = "<div class='col-md-3 " + a + "'><div class='set-btn-d-none " + a + "'><button type='button' value='" + a + "' class='delete'><i class='ion-close-circled'></i></button></div><div class='img-canvas-cnter'><canvas class='previous-imgages' id='" + a + "';></canvas></div></div></div>"; // data that insert div 
                    output.insertBefore(div, null); // whiteher will data variable div 
                    $('.new_Btn').remove(); // delete old block .new_Btn 
                    $('div.col-md-3.'+a ).after('<div class="col-md-3 new_Btn"><i class="ion-plus icon-plus-style"></i></div>'); // add plus after last selector div.col-md-3 
                    $(".col-md-3." + a).mousemove(function(event) { // catch event mouse  
                        $(".set-btn-d-none." + a).show(); // if mouse  insert need block show block with buttons 
                    }); // this need for work with canvas image exampe chage size or to turn or delete or show all 
                    $(".col-md-3." + a).mouseout(function(event) { // catch event mouse  
                        $(".set-btn-d-none." + a).hide(); // if mouse not insert block hidden block with buttons 
                    }); // this need for work with canvas image exampe chage size or to turn or delete or show all 
                    var maxHeight = 600; // maximum allowable size height image 
                    var canvas = document.getElementById(a); // find need id with canvas 
                    var ctd = canvas.getContext("2d"); // create new 2d object 
                    if (originalImage < maxHeight) { // check new image more allowable value this variable maxHeight 
                        var image = new Image(); // create new object image 
                        image.onload = function() { // create function moment load image 
                            canvas.width = image.width; //set width canvas 
                            canvas.height = image.height; //set height canvas  
                            ctd.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height); // create canvas image 
                        };// close function image.onload 
                        image.src = picFile.result; // data image in base64 
                    }// close  check new image more allowable value this variable maxHeight 
                    else { // new image more than variable maxHeight 
                        var image = new Image(); // create new object image 
                        image.onload = function() { // create function moment load image 
                            var xImage = image.height / maxHeight; // value for calculating proportions format 16:9 
                            var iWidth = image.width / xImage; //new width in format 16:9 
                            canvas.width = iWidth; //set width canvas 
                            canvas.height = maxHeight; //set height canvas  
                            ctd.drawImage(image, 0, 0, iWidth, maxHeight); // create canvas image 
                        };// close create function moment load image 
                        image.src = picFile.result; // data image in base64 
                    }// close new image more than variable maxHeight 
                })();// close launch asynchronously function 
            });// close Check File API support 
            picReader.readAsDataURL(file); //Read the image 
            }// check if image 
            else if (file.type.match('text.*|application.*')){ // Check what load only text 
            var picReader = new FileReader(); // create new FileReader 
            picReader.addEventListener("load", function(event) { // create handler event how only in load image 
            var picFile =;  
           //Read the image 
              var a = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000 - 0)) + 0; // create random id for new image 
                    var div = document.createElement("div"); // create new div if load new image 
                    div.className = 'div_one'; // add class for variable div 
                    var docx = document.getElementById("docx"); // area where will show image canvas 
                  // console.log(file); 
                    div.innerHTML = "<div class='col-md-3 " + a + "'><div class='set-btn-d-none " + a + "'><button type='button' value='" + a + "' class='delete_doc'><i class='ion-close-circled'></i></button></div><div class='img-canvas-cnter'><img src=''><input class='previous-imgages' id='" + a + "' type='file' name='document[]' value='"+picFile.result+"'></div></div></div>"; 
                     // data that insert div 
                    output.insertBefore(div, null); // whiteher will data variable div 
                    $('.new_Btn').remove(); // delete old block .new_Btn 
                    $('div.col-md-3.'+a ).after('<div class="col-md-3 new_Btn"><i class="ion-plus icon-plus-style"></i></div>'); // add plus after last selector div.col-md-3 
                    $(".col-md-3." + a).mousemove(function(event) { // catch event mouse  
                        $(".set-btn-d-none." + a).show(); // if mouse  insert need block show block with buttons 
                    }); // this need for work with canvas image exampe chage size or to turn or delete or show all 
                    $(".col-md-3." + a).mouseout(function(event) { // catch event mouse  
                        $(".set-btn-d-none." + a).hide(); // if mouse not insert block hidden block with buttons 
                    }); // this need for work with canvas image exampe chage size or to turn or delete or show all // this need for work with canvas image exampe chage size or to turn or delete or show all 
        }// close cycle for 
    }// close check for support FileReader API 
    else {// if not support FileReader API 
        alert("Your browser does not support File API"); // if browser not support FileReader API 
    }// close if not support FileReader API 
}// close funtion handleFileSelect

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