Nuxt VueJS There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing

23 января 2020, 09:20

осваиваю nuxtJS при компиляции возникает ошибка гугл не помог, написано что при объявлении Заглавных букв возникает, однако у меня ошибка воздникает непосредственно в node_modules, а не в моих компонентах

    [HMR] bundle 'client'
has 6 warnings 47737. / node_modules / base64 - js / index.jsThere are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other
case -semantic.Use equal casing.Compare these module identifiers: * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ base64 - js\ index.js Used by 1 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ buffer\ index.js * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ base64 - js\ index.js Used by 1 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ buffer\ index.js. / node_modules / buffer / index.jsThere are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other
case -semantic.Use equal casing.Compare these module identifiers: * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ buffer\ index.js Used by 3 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ jszip\ lib\ support.js * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ buffer\ index.js Used by 2 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ core - util - is\ lib\ util.js. / node_modules / ieee754 / index.jsThere are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other
case -semantic.Use equal casing.Compare these module identifiers: * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ ieee754\ index.js Used by 1 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ buffer\ index.js * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ ieee754\ index.js Used by 1 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ buffer\ index.js. / node_modules / isarray / index.jsThere are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other
case -semantic.Use equal casing.Compare these module identifiers: * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ isarray\ index.js Used by 1 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ buffer\ index.js * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ isarray\ index.js Used by 2 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ readable - stream\ lib\ _stream_readable.js. / node_modules / process / browser.jsThere are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other
case -semantic.Use equal casing.Compare these module identifiers: * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ process\ browser.js Used by 2 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ setimmediate\ setImmediate.js * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ process\ browser.js Used by 2 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ readable - stream\ lib\ _stream_readable.js. / node_modules / webpack / buildin / global.jsThere are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other
case -semantic.Use equal casing.Compare these module identifiers: * C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ webpack\ buildin\ global.js Used by 8 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ babel - loader\ lib\ index.js ? ? ref--2 - 0!C : \ dashboard\.nuxt\ client.js * C : \ dashboard\ node_modules\ webpack\ buildin\ global.js Used by 4 module(s), i.e.C: \ dashboard\ node_modules\ readable - stream\ lib\ _stream_writable.js

мой nuxt.config.js

const pkg = require("./package");
const VuetifyLoaderPlugin = require("vuetify-loader/lib/plugin");
module.exports = {
  mode: "spa",
  ** Headers of the page
  head: {
    title: "Vue Template",
    meta: [{
        charset: "utf-8"
        name: "viewport",
        content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"
        hid: "description",
        name: "description",
        content: "Vue Template is a \n" +
          "   admin dashboard template built with Vue and Vuetify."
    link: [{
        rel: "icon",
        type: "image/x-icon",
        href: "/favicon.ico"
        rel: "stylesheet",
        href: ",400,500,700|Material+Icons"
    script: [{
      src: ""
  ** Customize the progress-bar color
  loading: {
    color: "#3adced"
  ** Global CSS
  css: [
  ** Plugins to load before mounting the App
  plugins: [
  ** Nuxt.js modules
  modules: [],
  ** Build configuration
  build: {
    vendor: ["axios", "vuetify", "vue-notifications", "mini-toastr"],
    transpile: ["vuetify/lib"],
    plugins: [new VuetifyLoaderPlugin()],
    // babel: {
    //   presets: ["es2015", "stage-0"]
    // },
    loaders: {
      stylus: {
        import: ["~assets/style/variables.styl"]
    ** You can extend webpack config here
    extend(config, ctx) {}
  vue: {
    config: {
      productionTip: false,
      devtools: true
Миграция c Vuex standart mode → Vuex module [Длинно-пост]

Миграция c Vuex standart mode → Vuex module [Длинно-пост]

Ребят, будет длинно-пост, ибо пригорело что-тоБуду рад если вы не пройдете мимо или скажете что я не прав и херню наворотил :)

Воспроизведение аудио потока в плеере plyr

Воспроизведение аудио потока в плеере plyr

Столкнулся с проблемой воспроизведения потокаПереношу ссылку из отдельного блока, вставляю ее в плеер и передаю воспроизведение, но плеер...

JavaScript. Uncaught (in promise) undefined

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На странице много ссылок, при клике на любую из них, необходимо скопировать в буфер значение hrefСделал так: